We want to investigate how our school would benefit from using solar panels. We researched how solar panels work. We built a model of our school showing solar panels on the roof. We calculated how much energy solar panels produce. We found out the amount of electricity our school uses in kW h and calculated how many solar panels would be required to produce this amount. We consulted the Global Solar Atlas to determine Sun intensity for our area to calculate solar panel energy production.
We carried out a survey by questionnaire in our school community of parents and staff to investigate their attitudes to the use of solar panels. We recorded our results on bar charts and in a spreadsheet. We are conducting experiments to see the effects of temperature on solar panels and the effects of light of different wavelengths on solar panel energy production. We believe that significant savings can be made by installing solar panels in our school.
In addition to continuing our experiments we will link in with a local solar energy provider to get further insight into solar energy. We will make a site visit to a solar farm or school/building which has solar panels installed. We will produce an information leaflet for parents outlining our findings and encouraging them to install solar panels. We will use this to promote a greener school amongst our friends and fellow students.